The Rotary Club of the Bronx held its annual President’s Dinner at the Marina Del Rey on June 27, 2019.
Ralph Scottino (shown above with Pat Fichera) was installed as President for 2019-2020.
The installation of Officers and Board was done by DGN Mary Shackleton.
Ed Hicks was surprised with a special award of recognition for his unflagging service to the Club.
Frank Capasso was an ardent Rotarian before his passing and his family has continued to support Bronx Rotary projects. They were honored for their continuing support in his name.
Ram Gupta is a longtime member of Bronx Rotary, has served as President and supported and furthered a myriad of projects over the years. Bronx Rotary is grateful for that support. He is pictured here with family members, his wife received the award on his behalf.
Richard Powers received a Paul Harris Fellow from Bronx Rotary for his dedication to our Gift of Life program. PDG Janet DiBenedetto presented the award.
The Rotary Club of the Bronx held its annual President’s Dinner at the Marina Del Rey on June 27, 2019.
Ralph Scottino was installed as President for 2019-2020.
"The Family of Rotary" was the chosen theme for the celebration and Ram Gupta and the family of Frank Capasso were chosen as Honorees for their longtime membership and support of our Club.
Richard Powers was awarded a Paul Harris for his long-standing support of the Gift of Life program in collaboration with Bronx Rotary. He and his late wife, Meghan Charlop, acted as the host family for 5 GOL children and their parents. He has remained actively interested and has supported former GOL recipient, Chizaram Chibueze, who is now attending college in the U.S., with temporary housing, transportation and moral support.
Ed Hicks was surprised with an award recognizing his longtime service and outstanding support of the Club and members and others took the opportunity to express their feelings for him.