![Inside and Inspired Cookbook cover](https://clubrunner.blob.core.windows.net/00000006486/Images/Cookbook-front-cover-for-order-form.jpg)
It's Here!
We are so excited to present to you our Bronx Rotary cookbook with recipes from so many of you, your families and friends.
Being at home these many months has brought cooking and sharing recipes into the spotlight.
Thanks to our 3 Rotarians, a wonderful new cookbook has been created for all to share and enjoy these recipes.
Marguerite Chadwick-Juner Mary Springman Sandy Wolstein
Cookbooks are $30 each, 2 for $50.
Books may be ordered from the Rotary Club of the Bronx by sending your check to:
Rotary Club of the Bronx
P.O. Box 49
Bronx, NY 10464
Please make the check payable to the Bronx Rotary Foundation.
Include your name, mailing address, phone number and number of books you would like.
All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law.